Mission Possible! You can do it... God says so. Jesus says so. All those folks in Chapter 11 say so. Hebrews ends with a picture of the Christian you are called to be. No baby any more. But a deepening, growing, maturing Christian. All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Friday, August 7, 2020
Hebrews Lesson 13 - Chapter 11B
Who Are Those Guys? If you picked the Top Ten People of Faith in the Bible - would you pick Enoch, Jephthah and Rahab? If you don't even recognize their names, you're not alone! Find out what's so special about them in this conclusion of Chapter 11 of Hebrews. All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:31 PM
Hebrews Lesson 12 - Chapters 10 and 11A
Chapter 10 - God Has Forgotten You Ever Sinned!
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:31 PM
Hebrews Lesson 11 - Chapter 9
Jesus died for us...and for Heaven? The Tabernacle in Heaven needed to be purified. Men needed to be sanctified. Animal sacrifices couldn't do the job, but Jesus could! All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 PM
Hebrews Lesson 10 - Chapter 8
Heresy or Truth?
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 PM
Hebrews Lesson 09 - Chapter 7
Is Melchizedek a Man or Christ or something else entirely? God adds an oath to His promises to the Israelites only six times in their entire history. And one of those times is when He makes Christ a High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. So Melchizedek must be important! Why don't we know anything about him? All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:30 PM
Hebrews Lesson 08 - Chapter 6B
Baptism with the Holy Spirit and with Fire Confused about baptism for repentance, baptism into Christ, baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire? You're not alone!! Check out this class for Part 2 of our discussion on baptism. All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 PM
Hebrews Lesson 07 - Chapter 5 and 6A
Chapter 5 - High Priest or King? Both! Jesus is High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. That means He is High Priest and King. Chapter 6A - Can you list the elementary teachings? Make a list of six or seven basic Christian teachings. Then compare it to Heb 6:1-3. Bet the lists don't match! Get a new perspective on "dead works" and "various baptisms" All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 PM
Hebrews Lesson 06 - Chapter 4
Is there more to "God's Rest" than inactivity? "God's Rest" is a basic concept throughout Scripture. God has been calling us into His rest since the creation... So what is His rest, exactly? All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:29 PM
Hebrews Lesson 05 - Chapter 3B
Can we lose our salvation? Did Jesus contradict Himself when He said to be saved we only need to believe... And then said he who stands firm to the end will be saved? All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 PM
Hebrews Lesson 04 - Chapter 2B and 3A
Chapter 2B - Jesus is "made perfect"! What does that mean?? Jesus is made for a little while lower than the angels and is made perfect. Pretty confusing, until you unpack the writer's Scripture references. Chapter 3A - Jesus is worthy of greater honor than Moses That is an explosive statement to make to the Jewish Christians. The writer has to be very, very careful as he proves the truth of his statement. All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 PM
Hebrews Lesson 03 - Chapter 1B and 2A
Chapter 1B - JESUS definitely outranks the angels The status of Jesus vs. the angels is settled emphatically. Chapter 2A - BEWARE of DRIFT !! The Hebrews are in danger of ignoring a message more important than the Mosaic Covenant. All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:28 PM
Hebrews Lesson 02 - Chapter 1A
Does Jesus outrank the angels?
Speaking to us through the prophets didn't work,
so God sent us a living Word...
a picture of his Message...
The Messiah, Jesus!
The Hebrews were arguing over whether Jesus was really deity,
or was he just another angel?
All handouts available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:27 PM
Hebrews Lesson 01 - Introduction
Introduction to Hebrews Why is Hebrews relevant today? What is its central message? Join us as we start a new class on a book with a very important message for today's Christians. Handouts are available free of charge at www.EversBibleClass.com
Posted by
Gayle Evers
5:25 PM